
Off-grid Microgrid Solutions

Usage scenario:Industrial zone, large shopping mall, big data center, port power, ecological park, office building
Scheme characteristics
  • 01
    Independent Power Supply, Reduced Losses
    Operating independently from the grid, utilizing solar, wind, or generator power sources.
    During the day, electricity demand is met by wind and solar power generation, with surplus electricity stored in the energy storage system.
    At night, the energy storage system discharges to meet electricity demand.
  • 02
    Peak Shaving and Valley Filling, Reliable and Safe
    When renewable energy generation is insufficient or the energy storage system's discharge is terminated, generators start to supply power to meet the load.
    Once renewable energy generation is adequate, generators are shut down.

Off-grid Microgrid Solutions

The waiting conditions are relatively stable, the energy storage device scheme is detailed, the scheme is conducive to the equipment is detailed, the scheme is detailed, the waiting conditions are relatively stable, the energy storage device scheme is detailed.
Contact us

Our staff will contact you within 24 hours (weekdays), please keep your mobile phone open.

If you need other services, please call the service hotline: 400-9868988