About us

Hi-Vast L232

  • Battery capacity
  • Rated AC power
  • Rated AC voltage
  • Voltage range
Hi-Vast L232
Product highlights
  • 01
    Mature Technology, Stable and Reliable
    With years of iterative updates, our product has adapted to high-temperature, high-humidity, and high-salinity environments. Widely applied and technologically mature, it ensures stability and reliability.
  • 02
    High-Efficiency Liquid Cooling
    Utilizing a mature liquid cooling system, our product boasts high heat dissipation efficiency, minimizing temperature differentials across battery cells and thus enhancing battery lifespan.
  • 03
    High Integration, Space Savings
    With cabinet layout suitable for ocean shipping, our highly integrated solution reduces the footprint of power stations, resulting in cost savings on land.
  • 04
    Flexible Deployment, Scalable Capacity
    Our solution offers flexible deployment options, with the ability to seamlessly integrate multiple cabinets to match varying energy storage capacity requirements.
Hite authority certification
Contact us

Our staff will contact you within 24 hours (weekdays), please keep your mobile phone open. If you need other services, please call the service hotline: 400-9868988